Graphic Designing

Adobe Photoshop

  • Introduction of Photoshop.
  • Effects & Image Mixing.
  • Image Editing & Color Replacement Creating Web Advertisement.
  • Using Brush & Paints.
  • Time Line Animation.
  • Action Layer.
  • Export File with Different Formats.
  • Working with Tools & Menus.
  • Working with Live Projects.


  • Introduction of Corel Draw.
  • Creating Logos & Brochure.
  • Banners & Greeting Card.
  • Wedding & Visiting Card.
  • Shape Editing & Tracing.
  • Hoarding & Posters.
  • Flyers & letter Head.
  • Creating PDF & Etc.
  • Working with Tools & Menus.
  • Working with Live Projects.

Apply for Graphic Designing